Balsa Glider Project.
Assignment #3
An APA paper presenting your gliders final design must be submitted to include the following sections:
• Description of Fuselage
• Description of Wing (airfoil shape, planform shape, b, C. , AR, mounting location and A01)
• Description of Empennage
This section should refer the reader to and include a figure, the Three-View Drawing. This should be a full page drawing to include a top, side, and front view of the
glider. Dimensions should be included on the drawing.
This assignment is meant to describe in writing and visually your competition glider. The Three-View Drawing can be created in a CAD program (if you have access to and
know how to use one), Microsoft Paint, Microsoft Word (Draw Tools), or by hand (very neatly using a straight edge on graph paper).This paper will be no more than four
pages in length, including the following sections: Title Page, Glider Design text and Three-View Drawing.