bacterial pathogenesis
(McAllister, 2008). Humans acquire EHEC Oi 57:H7 by direct contact with animal carriers, their
feces, and contaminated soil and water or through ingestion of the underdone ground beef,
and other animal products, contaminated vegetables and fruits. This disease has a very low
infectious dose, hence high risk of contracting the disease (Baehler, A. A., and R. A. Moxley.
The detection and treatment of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli 01 5′.7:H7 Q
Complex set of symptoms in which patients exhibit antisocial behavior (MeAllister, 2008) A
The Escherichia coli Ol57:H?†is also called gram negative bacteria that is capable of causing
bloody diarrhea due to toxins such as the Shiga produced by this bacteria when it only infects
human beings. Symptoms include: vomiting, low fever, stomach cramps, bloody diarrhea and;
nausea. These symptoms are diagnosed in human beings infected by the bacteria.
Treatment of Escherichia ooh’ O l 57:1-I7
Patients, especially the adults with this infections often require no treatment since so many
infections of this kind are addition to the above, cases of acute and bloody
diarrhea illnesses, antibiotics have not been proofed to be any useful. Some research conducted
indicates that antibiotics may increase chance of progressive development of HUS, up to as high
as 17-fold.when treatment is necessary, it includes replacement of human fluids and electrolytes
in order to prevent dehydration.
Patients with kidney failure may require dialysis.
Question #2
i) Diagram of the shuttle Vector that was constructed, and the key features (genes, promoters,
etc.) that are necessary for it to Work the V. birdsii.
Cite at least two outside primary literature (or reference/diagnostic book) references for each question. These should be peer-reviewed sources avoid website citations unless they are government or CDC citations.,%203%20Edition-Brenda%20A.%20Wilson-1555814182-Amer%20Soc.pdf
#1: In approx.. 1 page, discuss the orgin, virulence, detection, and treatment options for enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7
#2: Chapter 9, page 176. Problem #2
#3: Write a 1-pg. summation on the clinical, industrial, and/or environmental significance of the Gram-negative unknown you identified using the Enterotube II system in lab recently.
#4: Chapter 8, page 146. Problem #1
#6: Chapter 6, page 109. Problem #2