Oncology health policy
October 21, 2020
Literature Review of Genocide in Rwanda: Leadership, ethics and organizational failure in post-colonial context
October 21, 2020

Bacon summary

The most troublesome idol of all is the idol of the market-place. These are errors that arise from false meaning impacted by words. These misconceptions have crept into the minds of people through words and names. Men form their thoughts into word as they believe that their thoughts govern words. However, it is true that words work in one’s perception. This has made the sciences and philosophy dull and dormant.

Words are, in most cases, formed and applied according to the level of the vulgar. They follow the lines of divisions which are comprehensible to the improper understanding. Most words tend to oversimplify the intended meaning while others are vague such that understanding them becomes hard.A more thorough understanding of the observations that people make could modify the lines of division to go well with the true divisions of nature, but words stand on the way and act as a barrier to the change.

Men often form their thoughts into words to enable them communicate to others what they harbor deep in their minds. However, in most cases, words are brought about as a replacement for thoughts and one could think that they won an argument because of outtalking their opponents, while in reality it might not be the case. Words that are used without much attention to their meaning might dictate unintended understanding and result into misleading notions. In order to avoid disputes in discussions that often arise even when esteemed people in the society hold discussions, it would be better to define the words for the purpose of creating order. It has been observed that words often wander away from their intended purpose, making what they are meant to express unclear.