Why Jordan Belfort inspires me.
October 18, 2020
In the short story recitatif how were Roberta and Twyla affected by their mothers decisions?
October 18, 2020

Author Critic

This assignment will take you to the end of term. Your task is to select an author that you admire and one selected work. You will provide a critique, or what I call a “Writers on Writing.”

Background: Provide a brief synopsis on the author and the author’s life

Writers on Writing: Explain what you admire about this author’s writing style and use exact excerpts. Then compare your author’s style to your own.

Selected work: Provide an analysis of your author’s published work. Select one section or aspect to critique, and break down the key elements. Remember, you are not providing a book report or summary, you are examining the author’s style and prose and how well he or she uses the literary functions we spoke about at the start of the term.

Specs: MLA format, send to eTutoring for surface errors, and 1,000 words in length.