Assume a 9000 lbs tire, with 90 psi tire pressure, on top of a 5-inch asphalt layer (E=200,000 psi), which sits on top of a subgrade (E=3,000 psi).

contrast and compare napster and itune in regards to markets, opportunities and exploitation, technological advances, consumer behavior, globalization
March 12, 2020
March 12, 2020

Assume a 9000 lbs tire, with 90 psi tire pressure, on top of a 5-inch asphalt layer (E=200,000 psi), which sits on top of a subgrade (E=3,000 psi).

Assume a 9000 lbs tire, with 90 psi tire pressure, on top of a 5-inch asphalt layer (E=200,000 psi), which sits on top of a subgrade (E=3,000 psi).
Part A: Using Charts and diagrams, report the vertical compressive stress and critical tensile strain under the asphalt layer.
Part B: Repeat the above when the subgrade is stabilized to the depth of 4 inches (Hint: this works like adding a new 4-inch layer on top of the old subgrade). Use E=30,000 psi for the stabilized layer.
Hint: you may use approximations and interpolations, but you must show your interpolation calculations.
No citation is needed, only solutions to both problems are needed.