COTH2136 Health Enhancement and Lifestyle Management
June 15, 2020
Exploration of the Need for Types of Preparation for Educational Leadership in Saudi Arabia
June 16, 2020

Assignment Instructions

Assignment Instructions
CO-1: Describe the psychological and behavioral factors of terrorism.
CO-2: Categorize means of communication and influence they have upon advancing terrorist narratives.

CO-3: Summarize psychological and behavioral factors within al Qaeda leadership and affiliate groups.

CO-4: Compare and contrast radicalization models that explain terrorist motivations.

CO-5: Summarize behavioral and psychological factors associated with disengaging from terrorism.

A fundamental issue established at the outset of this course is the fact that becoming involved in terrorist activities is a process, where numerous factors can affect the mindset and actions of an individual. We have covered many of these issues and influences, so concerning this matter, relay what you feel are those psychological and behavioral factors that have the greatest impact on the radicalization of an individual. Conversely, what efforts do you feel might be effective in countering them?