Assignment 2: Workplace Ethics
Order Description
1)Analyze the questions associated with your chosen case study and discuss them using concepts you learned in this course.
2)Explain your rationale for each of your answers to your chosen case study.
Case 8.4: Have Gun, Will Travel…to Work
Located on page 312 of your textbook
1)Do you have not only a legal, but a moral right to own a gun? Do you believe that you have either a moral or a legal right to park a car with a loaded gun in a privately owned parking lot, regardless of what the lot’s owner wants?
2)In your view, do employees have either a moral or a legal right to park cars with guns in them in the company parking lot? What do you believe should be the property rights and safety concerns of employers?
3)Do you think state legislatures are right to get involved, or should the matter be left to companies and employees to settle?
4)Because the workplace is the company’s private property, the company could choose to allow employees to bring guns not only into the parking lot, but also into the workplace itself. Are there ever circumstances in which doing so might be reasonable? Or would the presence of guns automatically violate the rights of other employees to be guaranteed a safe working environment?