Assignment 2: A 2 500 word case study documenting the impact of global mobility on the environment. This is worth 50% of the total marks
In this assignment you should develop a discussion of the ways that global mobility impacts on the environment, using one extended case study as an example. The aim is to find a good issue
that shows the impacts of global mobility – whether it is mobile resources, products, people or toxic waste – on one locality. Examples in previous years have included, for example; the impact
of industrial fishing for global markets on small fishing communities in Zimbabwe, the pollution caused by copper mining in Romania, the impact of tourism on turtle beaches in Greece, the
shipping of toxic waste from the West to Abidjan, the effect of sea-level rise on Tuvalu etc. Focusing on this example should allow you to look at how global systems and markets can create
severe environmental problems, often at a distance from those who benefit from mobility.
The marking criteria will reflect the concerns of the module and will include:
good quality empirical material relating to the case study: this can include data that indicates the scale/importance of the impact, information about the place/population involved, information
about markets, regulatory regimes, businesses involved.
A description of the way mobility has created this issue: this can be the mobility of goods, of manufacturing processes, of tourism, of waste, etc It is important to use appropriate academic
arguments to explain the causes and effects of mobility in relation to the issue
Discussion which applies these arguments to the issue and evaluates how useful they are in helping us understand what is happening – exploration of debates may be useful. Describing,
comparing and evaluating these arguments is key to success in this assignment.