Due: Week 11
Word Length: 3,000
Value: 35% of overall grade
Format: Report (25%), Summary Presentation (10%) Learning Outcomes:f-h
Length: Maximum 10 minutes
Format: Flexible
Give a summary presentation on your project that:
Remember this is a summary presentation of 10 minutes only and is designed to help you formulate a concise and compelling message as you might need to if you were addressing your executive team.
In addition to the usual assessment approach for your written work, the Course Facilitator will assess your virtual presentation using the review sheet at back of this guide.
Refer also to the table provided at the end of this Guide.
This project involves a process of data gathering, review and analysis and entails determining the strategic HRM capability of an organisation of your choice and providing an analysis of its effectiveness. To do this successfully, you are expected to consider theories and models presented in class and obtained from your own research and reading, as well as to demonstrate your knowledge of the wider literature in HRM and strategy. As such, you will be expected to identify strengths and weaknesses as well as any gaps between policy and practice relating to HRM within your chosen organisation. As part of an overall assessment of HRM capability and effectiveness, your report should include recommendations for strengthening the HRM function within the organisation. The final report should incorporate the following.
Begin by providing a brief overview of the organisation. This should include details concerning the nature of the business, its size, and an organisational chart clearly indicating the structure of the organisation.
A variety of data gathering techniques should be employed. These should be described in this section. Some of these techniques might include analysis of documents, observation, interviews, questionnaires or focus groups. Discuss the strengths and limitations of your data (depth, breadth, representation, validity, reliability, etc.)
Indicators would include the position of HRM (particularly the strategic HRM function) in the organisation and the roles/responsibilities of key players in HRM (specialists, line managers, senior managers) and their support for HRM activities.
This section should provide an in depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation in 2 areas critical to HRM. When conducting the analysis, you should select any 2 of the following topic areas or issues: (do not attempt to cover all areas)
Once the analysis has been completed, various recommendations for action should be offered in this section. These should focus on ways in which the HRM function could be strengthened or improved within the organisation. For example, you may recommend new strategies, systems, processes or capability development, or you may wish to recommend various extensions or alterations to existing processes. The recommendations must clearly derive from the data and analysis undertaken and be action oriented. The recommendations also need to be justified according to criteria such as cost, practicality and acceptability.
The Conclusion provides a brief wrap-up, summarising what has been attempted in the study and to what extent the outcome has been successful.