Assessment 2- Evidence and Practice Based Research (Social Work Research Poster)

Assessment 2- Evidence and Practice Based Research (Social Work Research Poster)

Assessment 2- Evidence and Practice Based Research (Social Work Research Poster)

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Evidence and Practice Based Research- Social Work

Assessment 2 – A5 Poster and Presentation of a Practice Based Research Project developed in small groups

This assessment task is split into two components. The first is the development of an A5 Poster (20%) and the second is the presentation of the poster to the rest of the tutorial class (20%). Note: there is an A5 Power point template for your poster on the school website and posters must be developed in a format compatible with this template.

The required product from this process will be the presentation in the form of a group poster as a visual summarized presentation of their research process, and a small group verbal presentation of its contents to the class. Please note, the poster can be in colour or black and white – no marks will be lost if the poster is in black and white providing the presentation is well–done.

Students will identify a policy, program or practice issue(s) and related research question (s) arising from the issue.
The poster should:
• Identify the research paradigm;
• Review related research literature on the chosen issue;
• Discuss appropriate research designs and methods;
• Explore the process by which data would be collected and analysed;
• Ethical issues should be identified and addressed; and,
• Potential outcomes and significance for your context of practice should be canvassed.

Posters and the group presentation will be assessed in relation to the extent to which:
• It is a clear account of the research question
• The research design relates to the question
• The overall poster provides a brief but succinct snapshot of the proposed research and related research and literature
• The work of all students is apparent

Kindly help me with the research poster! Also please attached a copy of a script I need to be presenting during the presentation, like what I need to say when I present this research poster.

My research question: What do pregnant women in rural and regional communities in new south wales Australia identify as barriers and difficulties to access maternity/support services?

Aim: Assess accessibility of appropriate maternity services in rural and regional communities in new south wales. Identify barriers to access and make recommendations to services for the improvement of engagement.

(You could change or rephrase the question or aim slightly if you feel it could be better or if there is more methodology and research)

Please kindly only follow the Research Poster Template I have attached. Starting with the Introduction/aims then Research question then Methodology then Anticipated results then Outcomes and significance and finally key references.

As this is a social work subject please make sure the research poster is closely related to social work theories and written in the view point of a social worker. Also try incorporating charts, graphs, photographs, key quotations from primary sources, maps, other graphics that support the theme of the poster. It is best to avoid using tables of data.

Below are a few pretty good links/examples as to how to create a great social work research poster:

Parent Interview
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