Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans presented at the Constitutional Convention.
March 18, 2020
Implementing budget
March 18, 2020



1. Carah and Louw argue that “by becoming a manager of audience participation, journalism obscures the power relationships it once might have exposed or scrutinised”. How is this seen in their description of ‘Operation Bounce Back’?

2. According to Fitzpatrick, how can ‘trial by social media’ undermine key pillars of democratic law? Refer to at least one of the examples in the article.

Carah, Nicholas and Eric Louw (2012) ‘Inundated by the audience: journalism, audience participation and the 2011 Brisbane flood’, Media International Australia, number 144, pp. 137-144

Fitzpatrick, Lauren (2013), ‘Protecting the right to a fair trial’, Precedent, issue 117, pp. 10-14