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Architecture w3a2-modernism

Project description
Style: See the attached lecture notes to figure out whats the style required for this assignment

Part I ? Structural & Stylistic Identification
Identify two significant buildings, of different styles, from the periods in American architectural history discussed this week and provide the following identifying information:
? Name of structure
? Date of construction
? Geographical location
? Primary architectural style used in structure
? Architectural elements present in structure (ex: overhang roof, casement windows, pediment, etc)

Part II ? Cultural Analysis
Identify and discuss each structure?s architect and patron and discuss how their relationship, and other factors such as cultural, political, economic, religious, and social influences shaped the design of the structures.

Part III ? Topical Issue
Discuss how the local social culture and vernacular architecture shaped the design of the structure.
Content should include:
Identifies two structures from architectural period studied, including name, date, location, style, & architectural elements (Part I)
Evaluates influence of architects & patrons on self-identified structures (Part II)
Assesses relationship between cultural context & architectural style employed (Part II)
Critiques weekly topical issue in relation to self-selected structures (Part III)