Service Audit
October 7, 2020
Quality and Root Cause Analysis
October 8, 2020



Guidelines of Written Assignment
Political controversy is everywhere. Should abortion be legal? Should taxes be increased for the rich? Should murders be executed? Should more money be spent on the military budget? Should the minimum wage be increased? Should affirmative action programs be abolished? Should environmental regulations be made more stringent? Should same-sex marriages be permitted? Should the United States pay its back dues to the United Nations?
The possible answers to these and contentious political questions go beyond a simple yes or no. With so many political issues and so many possible positions on each, discourse and debate on politics might seem hopelessly complicated. In fact, however, a person’s view on one political issue is not unrelated to his or her views on other political issues. This is because our views on individual issues often fit together in some kind of overall political view. We call this overall view a political ideology. An ideology helps us make sense of the political world.
For your paper assignment, describing your personal beliefs (political ideology) in major areas of government and public issues. Are you liberal, conservative, populist, libertarian, or socialist? Why? Pay special attention to factors that helped you form these beliefs (socialization).
The at least three pages paper should be typed in single line space (only paragraph space), one-inch margin for all four sides, Candara style with 12 font size, Left Align only, and no-cover page like sample below.
A Sample of Format
Written Assignment – My Political Ideology
I agree with the liberal that much of the horrible behavior we see in the world is not a reflection of human nature, but of the deprived circumstances within which people are forced to live………………..
In contrast, the conservative is ……..