General injury report- Public health Approach
October 17, 2020
Epidemology, Teen Pregnancy
October 17, 2020

Arab Civilization

How did the Arabs transform Western Civilization? Describe and analyse the different ways in which Islamic culture influenced the development of knowledge in Christian Europe. In your view, in which field did Muslims contribute the most and have the greatest impact on the Western world?

Essays should:

• be typed & double-spaced

• use 12-point font with a serif (e.g. Times New Roman, Verdana, Georgia, Trebuchet MS,

Liberation Serif)

• have 2.5 – 4 cm margins at the top and bottom of the page

• have 3 – 4 cm on the left & 2.5 cm at the right

• have pages numbered

Your professor may have specific requirements. Always refer to the assignment outline and syllabus.

Parts of the Paper:

Title page:

• centre the title on the page

Lower left-hand corner:

• student’s name

Lower right-hand corner:

• course name

• course number

• instructor’s name

• graduate assistant’s name (if appropriate)

• date

Body of the paper:

This is the text of the essay with footnotes in the footer at the bottom of the page or as endnotes after

the last page of the text.

Normally the text will be based on an outline that divides it into:

• the introduction

• the main body

• the conclusion

It is not necessary to mark them with subheadings.