Application of the Health Belief Model in Promotion of Self-Care in Heart Failure Patients
Project description
I would like the paper answered these questions:
aWhat is the topic of study?
aWhy is the study important?
aWhat health behavior theory is used? What type of theory is used? (individual, interpersonal, community level, ecological)?
aHow is the theory used? Is the article informed by theory? Applied a theory? Tested a theory? Or created or developed a new theory?
aWhat constructs of the theory were used in the study? How were these measured as variables?
aWhen were the data collected? Was it at one point in time (one day, month, year), or more than one point in time (e.g., once a year for several
years)? Was there surveillance over a period of days, months, years, etc.?
aWhere were the data collected? An entire country? One or more states (which)? One city? From one or a few hospitals or clinics?
aWho was studied? Did the study include all people in the time and place to which the data pertain, or one or more subgroups (e.g., just one age,
race, or income group, only people who had a certain disease)?
aHow were the data collected?
aWhat statistical measures were used?
aWhat did researchers/authors find? Summarize the 2-3 major findings of the study.
aWhat were the strengths and weaknesses of the study?
aWhat are the strengths and weaknesses of the theory used?
aWhat suggestions do you have for ways to improve upon the study? At least one suggestion must be related to the use of the theory. also any other
thing that would her to critique this article very well
two thoughtful questions about the application of this theory in this study
What are the benefits expected from integration?