Appealing paper for English class and Writing class Custom Essay

Woman’s rights in liberal democratic and non- democratic societies.
April 1, 2020
April 1, 2020

Appealing paper for English class and Writing class Custom Essay

I being a second year student in the English and writing classes would like to write my appeal to the department in relation to my grades. It is true that am not a native speaker of English being a foreign student. Therefore, I have not fully adapted to the local setting. This may have contributed to my poor performance in class and even in the assignment. Therefore, my writing to the English department is to seek understanding and support during my course (Bae, 2006). I am sure that this would change the situation as well as my performance in class and on my assignments and tests as well. I am aware of my poor performance and am really working hard and looking for all possible means of improving my grades.