Apoptosis or programmed cell death-humans posssess

Differentially expressed in the normal versus the engineer
April 28, 2020
Tools or tool use or other evidence of culture
April 28, 2020

Apoptosis or programmed cell death-humans posssess

1) Apoptosis or programmed cell death, occurs in all of the following cases except
a) virus-infected cells
b)in cells damaged by injury
c)in cells with potentially cancer-causing mutations
d) during the elimination of tissue between the digits in theformation of human fingers

2) Humans posssess about ——-different cell types
a) 100
b) 200
c) 500
d) 1000
e) 2000

3) Which of the following events is not part of apoptosis?
a) Fragmenting of chromosomal Dna
b) Fragmenting of the nucleus
c) Fragmenting of the cell
d) Lysis of cell fragments and release of theircontents
e) All of the above are part of apoptosis

4) Effector caspases cleave
a) nuclear lamins
b) cytoskeletal proteins
c) DNase inhibitor
d) only other caspases
e) a,b,and c

5) Most cells in adult animals are in the —–stage of thecell cycle.
a) G1
b) G2
c) S
d) G0
e) M