Any medical related subject that is quantitative or qualitative

SEM #2
June 17, 2020
show Unwrapped on Food Network or How It’s Made on the Discovery Channel
June 17, 2020

Any medical related subject that is quantitative or qualitative

Any medical related subject that is quantitative or qualitative

Order Description
Produce the Assignment submission in a single Microsoft Word or Open Office document. Be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

Critique a review of literature, addressing each of the following 12 questions:

1.Identify the Research Problem

2. Identify the primary empirical sources cited in the review. How did you determine that they are primary empirical sources? What references cited are primary sources, but are not empirical? How did you determine that they are not empirical? Are secondary sources cited?

3.Are the references current? What years would be current for the study being critiqued?

4.Are relevant studies identified and described? What criteria did you use to determine whether the studies are relevant?

5.Are relevant theories identified and described? What criteria did you use to determine whether the theories are relevant?

6.Are relevant landmark studies described? How did you determine that the studies you identified are landmark studies?

7.Are relevant studies critiqued? Identify the critique statements made.

8.Are the sources paraphrased to promote the flow of the content presented or are there too many direct quotes? Quote three paraphrased statements from the article.

9.Is the current knowledge about the research problem described? How did you determine that the knowledge is current?

10. Does the literature review identify the gap(s) in the knowledge base that provides a basis for the study conducted? Provide the statements made by the author that identify the gap in knowledge.

11. Is the literature review clearly organized, logically developed, and concisely written? Justify your conclusion.

12. Does the literature review logically build a case for the study being reported? Why or why not?