Organizational Leadership Case Analysis
September 2, 2020
Describe the social conditions (eg. institutions, social values, cultural practices, beliefs, attitudes, conflicts etc.) that interact to produce vuln
September 2, 2020

anti- semitism

anti- semitism
Order Description
Essay question;
what are the causes and consequences of anti-semistim?

argument line
-noun hostility to or prejudice against Jews. ‘Irrational fear’
-Anti-semitism- hatred towards the Jews
-Who are Semites ?
-Judeophobia- Fear or Hatred towards Jews
-contemporary understanding
-Jews problems

*what need to done for this essay
-(description) introductory and background, information to contextualise problem/topic
-(analysis) exploring the relation of parts to whole, possible situation, responses and alternative
-(Evaluation) implications, solutions, conclusions, recommendations
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding:
Understands and reflects critically on aspects of the global development of Judaism
Understands reflects critically on key themes and theories in the contemporary study of religion
Identifies and appreciates the significance to religion and society of the interaction between religion and contemporary society

Analyses aspects of the global development of Judaism
Analyses and evaluates critically themes and theories in the contemporary study of religion and their application to Judaism
Recognises and evaluates critically the interaction between contemporary society and Judaism

resources or books
Edward H. Flannery (1998) Anguish of the Jews: Twenty-Three Centuries of Anti-Semitism
Political and economic – Cicero
Theological or religious – anti-Judaism St Augustine
