Analyze media for elements of oppression: Sexism, racism, heterosexism, ageism, etc .

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Analyze media for elements of oppression: Sexism, racism, heterosexism, ageism, etc .

Project description
Choose ONE form of oppression: Sexism, racism, heterosexism, ageism, etcChoose media sources: Television, radio, magazine, newspaper, websites, etc.Analyze media for elements of oppression: Sexism, racism, heterosexism, ageism, etc .Document detailed examples of stereotypical or demeaning portrayals of minorities in various forms of media.Use APA format throughout the paper including title page, at least 3 FULL pages of text, in-text citations, and reference page.Is this a trend for this source?Is there an absence of minority views and images?Is this subtle or blatant?Is this issue systemic? What evidence do you have proving a systemic issue?You must provide a minimum of three references to support your statements regarding the stereotype or issue of concern such as specific commercials, tv shows, songs, etc.