Analyze a text and create an argument regarding its effectiveness

A Personal Experiment in Renunciation
April 4, 2020
outline chapters
April 4, 2020

Analyze a text and create an argument regarding its effectiveness

Analyze a text and create an argument regarding its effectiveness

In this assignment you will appraise the manifest (obvious) and latent (hidden) content of a non-fiction text. Your close analysis should reveal underlying assumptions, ideas, desires, and themes embedded in the text. You may choose to write your essay analyzing one of the following:
• A print advertisement. The ad must be found in a magazine or newspaper (attach this ad to your paper)
• The article, “The University of Wherever” by Bill Keller
• Look for elements that tell you how the text has been engineered to work on its readers or viewers. Specifically look at logical fallacies and the use of “weasel” words within the text.
• Ask yourself three central questions—What does the text say? How does the text convey that meaning? Why does it say it that way?—should help frame your assessment.
• One objective in this essay is to reveal your reading of the text to an audience of other readers, to offer them one way of seeing what the text has to offer based on the evidence you have scrutinized.
• Make sure you evaluate whether you believe the text was effective and tell why.
• Address Aristotle’s rhetorical appeals: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos in your analysis