Topic: Please analysis Angela McRobbie’s : “Jackie magazine: romantic individualism and the teenage girl”
Here are the information from the unit guide:
Details of task: The aims of this essay are to encourage you to focus on some of the research methods used in Communications and Media studies, to help you with reading academic articles, to provide practice in summarising and paraphrasing, and to develop skills for integrating other sources into your essays.
Summarise and discuss an academic article from the readings of weeks 2-10 that incorporates empirical research or textual analysis. TOPIC Angela McRobbies: Jackie Magazine: romantic individualism and the teenage girl. Your essay should include:
Important: 1. A summary of findings.
Important: 2. A summary of the method used by the author and the steps they have taken to complete their analysis.
Important: 3. Discussion of the article with consideration of (at least) 4 readings from the unit. The essay must be in with citations and a reference list provided. This is a research essay so your own words (no quotations) not additional research beyond the article and 4 readings is not required.
Ideas for how to integrate other sources:
? Compare how the same issue might be addressed using a different method and consider how different methods provide different kinds of information.
? Consider whether other research you have read about in the text book or in required readings support the findings.
? Consider whether other research conflicts with or throws doubt on the findings.
? Use the text book or to help explain difficult concepts.
? Provide examples for difficult concepts using examples from other sources.
? Provide background to the research.
? Discuss how the research provided a new approach or insight.
Recommended reading for this essay
Nair, P., 2010, “Research methods in communication studies – an overview”, July- September, pp. 8-16. (Available on Media Mimansa, the Moodle resources page).
Hodkinson, P. 2011, Media, culture and society, Sage, London, pp. 60-79; 82-101.
Hartney, J. 2002, Communication, cultural and media studies: the key concepts. Routledge, London 2002. (Available online through the Communication, cultural and media studies: the key concepts, library.)
I will attach these later.
So please write about Angela McRobbie ” Jackie Magazine” and use the other sources to interpret it loosely without leaving this important information.