Analysis and synthesis: how effectively and completely you break down the information into parts and then combine them to propose solutions

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July 23, 2020

Analysis and synthesis: how effectively and completely you break down the information into parts and then combine them to propose solutions

For the final exam, you need to answer the 3 questions and all sub-questions and prepare a written paper. The final exam must be completed by each student individually and submitted for grade by the due date listed in the course schedule. The assignments are noted on Blackboard under Upload Assignments.Refer to the following instructions. if these instructions are not followed:1) The completed report will be about 5 pages using Times New Roman font size 12, double or 1.5 spaced in MS Word format.2) Use appropriate 1-inch margins3) Use appropriate headings and sub-headings to correspond to the questions4) DO NOT leave any blank lines between sections, paragraphs or headings5) Use the following naming convention for your document: (Last name)(First initial) (Final) (Example: GudiA Final.docx ).The responses will be graded based on the following criteria:1) Comprehension: how well you have understood the important ideas, concepts, topics, and facts related to the question2) Application: how effectively you are able to apply and use the acquired knowledge3) Analysis and synthesis: how effectively and completely you break down the information into parts and then combine them to propose solutions4) Communication: writing needs to be clear, logical and grammatically correctThe nature of the exam questions is based on your reflection on the course material and critical thinking. Hence it is not required to provide external references to support your statements. However you may use any external sources to support your work if you feel necessary.