An Offender Population and Treatment Intervetion

The Autonomous Power of the State: Its Origins, Mechanisms, and Results
May 6, 2020
v HTML Chapter 1 Assignments
May 6, 2020

An Offender Population and Treatment Intervetion

Background Information
The purpose of the assignment is to gain a comprehensive understanding of a particular offender population and various treatment and intervention methods that benefit the population and assist in recidivism and controlling crime. You should choose an offender population and treatment intervention(s) that reflect your research or career interests.
The following are examples of various offender populations: users of illicit substances, juveniles/adults who commit homicide, juvenile/adult sexual offenders, dually diagnosed offenders, perpetrators of domestic violence, and gang members. Choose one of your choice of the above-noted offender groups.
While you are choosing your paper topic, please keep in mind that you need to be able to locate and review 3-5 professional journal articles related to the specific offender population and treatment modalities.
Follow this Format Highlighting each category and its sub categories
Only one paragraph
Discussion of the topic one or two paragraphs followed by the purpose/thesis statement as the last sentence of the introduction.
Summary and Analysis/ Review of the Literature:
I.        Literature Review
This will be a minimum of 6 page (extra will help) submission that identifies             supporting literature related to the topic of research selected.   I would suggest             that you construct it like an annotated bibliography €“ your articles/journals will be     easier to summarize that way.    There should be at least 8 succinct different     resources that     you will cite within your text. (All paraphrased with in text citation, no direct             quote).
A.    Identify the offender population  you selected  Demographic Characteristics
B.     Crime Statistics
II.        Treatment Modalities
A.     Effective treatment
B.     Ineffective treatment
III.        Challenges faced by treatment providers
IV.        Challengers faced by the offenders
The second part of the research paper:
The following information should be a minimum of 5 pages in length (extra will help)
I.     Legal Cases related to your offender population
II.     Traditional policing models
III.     Alternative policing models
IV.     Crime control implemented through household, school, or community
V.     Analyze your population €“ personal opinion here