An Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Fostering Programs
This order is going to form a part of literature review section of an academic report. The main purpose of the report is to familiarize the reader with basic literature in the field of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship fostering programs in general.
The following issues should be taken into consideration:
• The report should be written under the attached file format.
• Number of the pages should be 15 to 20 (in the current format)
• Number of references should be at least 30.
• The priority of using references is as following: a. journal papers b. books/book chapters c. professional journals/periodicals/newspapers articles. Undoubtedly the highest weight should be assigned to the first option (journal papers).
• Plagiarism is not tolerated (reports will be checked with a professional aca-demic plagiarism detector (iThenticate)).
• The flow of the story (report) should make sense. It means that each chapter/sub-chapter should be logically connected to the previous and next chap-ter/subchapter.
• Proper use of diagrams, pictures, and tables is highly recommended.
• In the case of need you can add proper sub-chapters to the current format.
• The citation method should be Harvard-Anglia (2008)
• The work result should be uploaded/discussed and checked in regular intervals (every 3 days)
• Each uploaded part will be checked and commented in less than 5 hours after uploading.
• In case you’re busy with your education, job, or another order, and this will not let you to put maximum effort and concentration on the project, you’re kindly requested not to bid for this project. I’ve had bad experiences with false promises here in and don’t want it to happen again.
• In case of need I can provide you with relevant papers, books, etc. as references.
1. Entrepreneurship
1.1 Definition
1.2 Entrepreneurial process
1.3 Entrepreneurship and Technology
1.4 Entrepreneurial Thinking
1.5 Entrepreneurship Fostering Programs
This chapter discusses the entrepreneurship in general scale. It covers the general issues of entrepreneurship and its economic/social/etc. impacts and implications.
1.1 Definition
Discusses different definitions of entrepreneurship, different approaches and points of views.
1.2 Entrepreneurial process
Different stages of entrepreneurship and start-up/spin-off life cycle in general
1.3 Entrepreneurship and Technology
The role of High-tech entrepreneur, entrepreneurship (Oakey, R. P., 2012. High-technology Entrepreneurship, Routledge)
1.4 Entrepreneurial Thinking
Discusses the subject of entrepreneurial thinking and related issues.
1.5 Entrepreneurship Fostering Programs
Discusses different entrepreneurship fostering models/methods in general such as:
– Business incubators
– Business accelerators
– Etc.