An international company wants to develop its three year marketing strategy. Explain and assess the different factors they need to consider when doing

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An international company wants to develop its three year marketing strategy. Explain and assess the different factors they need to consider when doing

An international company wants to develop its three year marketing strategy Introduction Developing a marketing strategy for any international company commands strict scouting of the target market. There is dire need to know that there diverse needs, customs, demand and taste for most international market audience for any international company. Thus developing a three year strategy commands stringiest strategy planning and implementation. This will support the market share index in the next three years that the organizations sources to advance. Thus, for an international company to develop its three year marketing strategy they should first scout for internal and external SWOT and PEST analysis. This is as marketing is a continuous process as planning so as to understand the market segment. Furthermore when developing a strategy for new advancement, there is need to incorporate the seven “P’s” as a basic marketing formula of understanding the target audience (Gronroos, 1994, p 23).