An Essential Part Of Peoples Life Biology

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March 10, 2020

An Essential Part Of Peoples Life Biology

An Essential Part Of Peoples Life Biology

Alcohol is an essential part of people’s life all the time. In China, beer and liquor is the common alcoholic beverage during the dinner. It can’t image that there is no alcoholic beverage in a party or celebration. Due to alcohols make drinker temporarily forget almost everything and feel comfortable, people treat wine as a special thing that can affect the spiritual statue. Different alcoholic beverage has different percentage of alcohol. Normally, it’s more than 40% alcohol in liquor. As the hometown of liquor, China has a long history of liquor culture for thousands of years. During the farming experience, people invented the unique way to brew liquor with grains. The processing techniques passed down through generations. Some individual workshops updated the techniques and promoted development and innovation of liquor industry. One of those is the former part of Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd.

Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd. is founded in the north of Yibin city, Sichuan province after reconstruction in 1998. Now, it is the one of the best Chinese beverage company and has over 30,000 co-workers. The group possesses the largest cellar chambers in China, the largest liquor-making workshops in the world, the most advanced automatic packing lines in the industry and advanced quality analysis and testing instruments. These advanced facilities provide assurance for stable improvement of production as well as quality. With its production capacity of 450,000 tons, Wuliangye Group has become the largest liquor-making base of the world.

It mainly engaged in the production and operation of Wuliangye liquor and its serial alcohols. "In 2009, Wuliangye liquor ranked the first on the sales of national Chinese liquor industry. The brand value of Wuliangye liquor had jumped up to RMB 47.2 billion Yuan. At the same time, Wuliangye Group revealed the 2009 annual report: the sales revenue of company in 2009 reached 35.03 billion Yuan ($ 5.15 billion), increasing by 16.5%." (Wuliangye Group News).In addition, there are 19 subsidiary companies of Wuliangye Group manufacturing and operating plastic products, bio-engineering, pharmaceutical industry, printing, electronics, logistics and transport, and other related service sectors. For example, Licai Group Co. involves presswork and packaging design; Huqiu Group Co. produces glass and packaging material.

As mentioned above, Wuliangye liquor is the major product in this company. Wuliangye liquor was described as best of the best because Wuliangye Group always selects the 8000 tons of the best liquor as Wuliangye liquor to provide the customers with the best quality. Wuliangye liquor brewed with five kinds of grains was named China’s magic. Using 5 kinds of grains as materials, Wuliangye liquor is rich in flavors and taste, quite different from the other liquors with a single flavor and not so good taste resulting from using single sorghum or only 2 to 3 kinds of grains as liquor materials. Through the using of traditional techniques and well-selected material, Wuliangye liquor has the mellow, just-right and lasting taste. Wuliangye liquor was favored by many people, and meanwhile it received many honors. Wuliangye liquor won the gold medals of National Famous Liquor in many consecutive years. In 1991, Wuliangye liquor won China’s top ten famous brand. In 1995, after an absence of 80 years, Wuliangye won the Panama Prize once again. Historically, Wuliangye liquor received a total of 39 international gold awards.

Below is the basic information of Wuliangye Liquor series:

Product Name

Prime Wuliangye Liquor

Panama Gold Liquor

New Wuliangye liquor


water, sorghum, rice, sticky rice, wheat, corn

water, sorghum, rice, sticky rice, wheat, corn

water, sorghum, rice, sticky rice, wheat, corn

Pure Weight








Selling Price

780 yuan

428 yuan

1320 yuan

Fragrant Type





Prime Wuliangye Liquor goes through more than 10 working procedures by master mixers. The quality is undoubtedly remarkable.

Panama Gold Liquor is released by Wuliangye Group in memory of the 1915 Panama gold prize

New Wuliangye liquor is a classical work of liquor products.


Wuliangye liquor sold in the market is completed through four major processes, namely, brewing, aging, blending and packing.

Brewing is a process that manufactures the crude alcohol. Under the certain condition, the chemicals of grains are converted to ethyl alcohol by Baobaoqu Yeast. Baobaoqu Yeast is composed of over 150 kinds of microbes from the air and earth. While other liquors used microbes in the air for slight fragrant liquor only.

Aging is the storage process that is essential for new distilled alcohol to become mellow. During the process of storage, these physical and chemical changes improved the sensory taste:

(1) Alcohol and water form solution systems. Due to volume contraction of the mixture, taste of alcohol becomes soft.

(2) Acrolein, hydrogen sulfide, and other substances volatilize. After separated from these components, the quality of liquor is better.

(3) By a series of oxidation, reduction, esterification and condensation reactions, crude liquor become mellow and less pungent.

When the storage period end, in order to guarantee the stability of finished liquor and improve quality, technicians blend them according to the requirements of different quality and style. Blending is mainly mixing the variety of trace elements as a certain proportion, thus, molecular is rearranged and recombined. After that, finished liquor has unique fragrance and style.

Finally, packing is an important process of image building and anti-counterfeits for Wuliangye liquor.

In fact, "Wuliang" means five grains in Chinese. In other words, wheat, rice, glutinous rice, Chinese sorghum and corn are the five sources of Wuliangye liquor. It’s well known that the starch and protein are the major chemical components of the five grains. Among these grains, at least 60% is starch, whose line formula is (C6H10O5) n, and it has continuous and uniform sugar structure. Below is the typical structure of starch: . While, the unit of protein is amino acid and variety of amino acids compose protein and decide its property.

Major chemical reactions happen in yeast fermentation during the process of brewing. Firstly, hydrolysis of starch takes place. After mixing with yeast, the starch in the grains is dissolved into lots of sugar by the starching enzymes:

(C6H10O5) n + n H2O + amylase ??’ n C6H12O2

Note that the sugar is only the glucose. Amylase is the enzymes that break down or hydrolyze starch into the constituent sugars. In fact, glucose is fairly easy to dissolve into water and the equilibrium of following three states occurs in solution.

α-D-(+)-Glucose  D-(+)-Glucose  β-D-(+)-Glucose

Next step is the formation that generates the ethanol and by-product. Yeast is unicellular fungi that are versatile laboratory microorganisms. In the absence of oxygen, Baobaoqu yeast breathes with breaking down glucose to provide energy. The general chemical reaction for the fermentation is:

Substrate + Glycolytic Enzymes ??’ Ethyl Alcohol (C2H5OH) + CO2 + ATP or

C6H12O6 + Glycolytic Enzymes ??’ 2 C2H5OH + 2CO2 + ATP

Potential substrates for this work include sucrose, a disaccharide composed of glucose (C6H12O6) and fructose, an isomer of glucose. Ethyl alcohol is the raw product of the fermentation of sugar by yeast. "Using Baobaoqu Yeast as diastase ferment, fermentations at different temperatures generate different fungus strains and enzymatic systems that are in esterification, fragrance generation and the accumulation of fragrant substances that constitute the unique flavors and tastes of Wuliangye liquor" (Brewing Techniques).

Similarly, the protein is also dissolve into amino acids by proteolytic enzyme. Other by-products are the esters, with pleasant odors contributing to the fragrances of Wuliangye liquor, and Aldehydes, which is one kind of the fragrances.

In order to get the pure ethanol from the mixing chemicals, distillation is needed. Distillation is a method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. After get the ethanol gas, the workers should use cooling system to change gas to liquid of ethanol. "The change of phase in chemistry is called condensation" (Goldberg 382). In the end, the pure ethanol is acquired.

Because liquors make people drunk quickly, a serious problem, drunk driving, occurs. The driver will be identified as drunk driving when their alcohol per milliliter of blood is greater than or equal to 0.2mg. When people drink, the alcohol is absorbed, but will not be digested, part of the alcohol will be sent out. The ratio of alcohol concentration in breathing gas and alcohol concentration in blood is 1:2100, that is, alcohol in each 2100 ml breathing gas equals alcohol in 1ml of blood. A simple alcohol tester makes use of this theory. Following is the chemical reaction:

2CrO3 +3 C2H5OH +3 H2SO4 (dilute) === Cr2 (SO4)3 + 3 CH3CHO +6 H2O

CrO3 is a strong yellow oxidant, while the ethanol from breath is a reducer. Chromium sulfate generated is blue-green. This color change can be distinguished to test alcohol vapor. The alcohol tester facilitates the traffic policing.

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