American Theatre Academic Essay

Major Research Paper Academic Essay
August 14, 2020
Sports, Leisure and Society Academic Essay
August 14, 2020

American Theatre Academic Essay

The question is;
“Since at least the mid-19th century, there has been a significant strain of protest drama in American society. Choose two examples of American protest drama and explore how they reflect a changing American society and the conditions they protest. Are these plays effective? What methods do they use to convey their protest?”
I think the two plays I’d like to use in this essay are ‘Rachel’ (1916) by Angelina Weld Grimké to demonstrate the African American side of protest drama, and ‘Something to Vote For’ (1911) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman to show the suffrage movement. We use MHRA referencing style. Theres plenty of sources on Google Books that may be helpful so please do reference outside sources (we do not have a set amount of sources so please use as many as is needed to demonstrate your points, at least a minimum of 4 should be good). Remember to include context on American society in the times that the plays were set.

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Posted on May 16, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions