give the context for, define, and tell the significance/after-effect of each of the following, in terms of 20th-century US culture/history:
Cold War (1947-90)
Korean War (1950-53)
McCarthyism (1950s)
Vietnamization (July 1969, or the “Nixon Doctrine” 1969-90)
Powell [Bush I] Doctrine (1991-2001)
U.S. invasion of Afghanistan (2001-14)
Wolfowitz (Bush II) Doctrine (June 2002)
2. Compare & contrast the U.S. military action in, and U.S. domestic popular support of American intervention in Vietnam (1965-73) & Iraq (2003-11).
3. Compare & contrast the U.S. military action in, and U.S. domestic popular support of America’s two interventions against Iraq (the Persian Gulf War [1990-91] & the Iraq War [2003-11]).
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions