American Literature Final Project

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American Literature Final Project

American Literature Final ProjectOrder DescriptionFinal Literature Project ScopeThe scope for the course project is to show evidence of careful and thoughtful development of the subject with attention to appropriate depth and detail. The projectshould be clear, coherent, and well organized. It should be free of errors that hinder meaning and free of plagiarized material. Note: In spite of good work in some ofthese areas, a paper can be so deficient in others as to make it unsuccessful overall. PowerPoint options should have at least twenty screens and 1,000 to 1,500 words(and pictures obviously). Do not cut and paste information into screens as even PowerPoints will be run through With any option, you should write 80% ofthe material yourself and quote, cite, and provide a Works Cited for the unoriginal content.Course Project DescriptionFor your project, choose one of the following options:1. Prose to Prose: Read another literary piece from an author of your choice that we have studied throughout the course. Write a detailed comparison of the twoliterary pieces, using specific details from each. Your paper should be 1,000-1,500 words at least with proper use of quotations and citations. You may decide to limityour focus to character, plot, setting, symbolism, conflict, point of view, or theme. For example, you may choose Edgar Allan Poe. We have read Premature Death andThe Masque of the Red Death. So, you would select another of Poes repertoire that best suits your projects direction. Be sure to write only in third personnarrative voice.2. Prose and Mixed Media: This option is to compare a literary piece from an author weve read in this class with its cinematic counterpart. Again, you should focus onthe literary aspects of the prose, but you would include vocabulary specific to the movie genre. You should be clear in your direction prior to viewing. You shouldwatch the film and read the text more than once. You may decide to focus on what was left out of the film version. Perhaps you feel the omission was critical to thesuccess of the film. Some prose writings do not transfer well to the silver screen, while some are better for it. You will write this in the third person, of course,even though this option is asking for your opinion. Your project should be 1,000 to 1,500 words in length with proper use of quotations and citations. You may presentthis in an essay format or a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. For example, we will use Masque of the Red Death again. There is an obscure 1991 version starringFrank Stallone, Brenda Vaccaro, and Herbert Lom. There is also a 1964 version starring Vincent Price available through Netflix. If you are very ambitious, there is aheavy metal band Crimson Glory who wrote and released a song of the same title on their 1988 album.3. Prose Mash Up: From a work weve read in this class, write a story from a different point of view. You may take an entire storys plot and write a version assomeone else would tell it. You may have to edit the piece down to a workable length. Your project should be 1,000 to 1,500 words in length with proper use ofquotations and citations. For example, since we know Death is the narrator in The Masque of the Red Death, how would the story have been different from say thePrinces point of view?