American Literature

American Literature

American Literature

In the Winthrop, Bradstreet, and Rowlandson modules, you learned about women’s place in the New England hierarchy. Puritan women were expected to play certain roles in the family and the community. Discuss the ways that works we have read by Rowlandson and Bradstreet uphold, complicate, or negate the Puritan role of goodwife. Make sure to define your terms for discussing the role of Puritan goodwife explicitly.

This paper needs to be 5 pages long, along with a works cited page.

The text book is The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Volume One: Beginnings to 1865. Ed. Susan Belasco and Linck Johnson. Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008.
We read Winthrop, A Modell of Christian Charity, Poems by Anne Bradstreet: The Prologue, In Honor of that High and Might Princess€¦, An Epitaph€¦, To Her Father€¦, The Author to Her Book, Before the Birth€¦, To My Dear and Loving Husband, A Letter to Her Husband€¦, Here Follows Some Verses€¦, As Weary Pilgrim (B185-210) Read Bradstreet through a Modern Lens, Rose Murray, Puritan Woman, and Rowlandson’s, The Sovereignty and Goodness of God.

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