Evaluating a Doctoral Study-Establishing Quality
October 24, 2020
water pollution in Globe AZ.
October 24, 2020



Watch “Airbnb” under Paris on the documentary Collaborative Cities; http://collaborative-cities.com
Answer the following question:
What is the format of the engagement tool (process, system, space, relational object, service, etc)? What are its components?
What is the main concept and strategy for collaboration (sharing, co-designing, co-producing, etc)?
Why and how is this idea better than alternative options (innovation)?
Who are the collaborators (stakeholders)? What is their role?
Who benefits from this project/collaboration?
What is the main value of this project/collaboration (in your opinion)?
How feasible/challenging is this engagement tool (feasibility)?
How could you use this tool in another context (explain potential scenarios for designers/artists)?