After reading the information about skilling up”, go to an employment website (such as,, etc.)

Cyber Kill Chain approach
June 18, 2020
Marketing Management; Based on Zappos – Happiness in a box
June 18, 2020

After reading the information about skilling up”, go to an employment website (such as,, etc.)

After reading the information about skilling up”, go to an employment website (such as,, etc.) and find a job opening that interests you. Following the guidelines from the above readings, write a resume and a cover letter applying for the job. In the job ad, the resume and the cover letter. In your resume and cover letter apply ideas from the readings


Include an introduction and a conclusion: How can you leverage your current talents to earn money while you look for a job in your chosen field? Besides learning new skills at an unpaid position, what else can you gain from volunteering? Why is it important to constantly update your skills?


Required Materials


So you’d like to know more about what I do

This might be one of the first things said to you in an information interview. Information interviews are incredibly useful tools in a job search.

Network Your Way to Success

Below is a link to a web page from an instructor at California State University Northridge that gives a good introduction to the topic of information interviews and job networking.

Richardson, D. B., (1994). Network Your Way to Success. Accessed from:

The below readings are used in the case assignment. Use the library instructions above to retrieve articles without a link.


6 Resume Writing Tips for Business School Grads

Jada, A. G. (2012, 6 résumé writing tips for business school grads. U.S.News & World Report, 1. )Retrieved from

Resumes, applications, and cover letters

Khoo, V. (2012). How to write winning cover letters and résumés. Charter, 83(5), 44-45. Retrieved from


The below readings are used in the SLP assignment.

Uzzi, B. & Dunlap, S. (2005). How to Build Your Network. Accessed from:’s_research_papers/uzzi_dunlap%20hbr.pdf

Informational Interviewing Tutorial. Accessed from: