After carefully examining Figure 10-21 and answer questions one through eight.

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After carefully examining Figure 10-21 and answer questions one through eight.

After carefully examining Figure 10-21 and answer questions one through eight. Create any tables or graphs as you see fit, and properly re-name them according to the associated question.

For example, question one asks you to create a detailed table; this should be named CaseProject10_2_Question1.

The case study should be a minimum two pages with any graphs, tables, or appendices appropriately cited using APA style writing.
1) How many hops are there from one node to another? Make up a detailed table.

2) What are all of the IP addresses? Assign IP’s for each machine and all router ports, Some IP addresses are already suggested.

3) Estimate how long it takes (assuming all routers come on line at the same time with their port-0 and port-1 IP addresses set) for the routing tables to stabilize. Use a 30 second RIP interval in your calculation.

4) What entries are in Router Ra’s routing table?

5) If router Rf goes down, how does machine 4 talk to machine 5?

6) What is the minimum number of routers required to connect all five networks?

7) What is the impact of eliminating one router from the network in figure 10-21?

8) What is the impact of removing two routers?