With endeavours to try look into the effects of the cross-cultural differences on the various people, I identified Charles Okonkwo from Yoruba community in Nigeria and Calvin white from England. Yoruba is the first language of Charles Okonkwo, and English is the first language of Calvin white. The role of women in the African workforce with regards to Charles Okonkwo is notable in various scenes. In instances where women assume paid labor, there is regular a worrying wage gap between their eminent earnings and those of male counterparts. With jobs typically entailing the similar work, this wage gap can only be well attributed to gender discrimination. In various sectors, women also experience barriers to joining pre-eminent trade unions or conducting business as self-employed oriented individuals. According to Calvin white, women are regarded as equals of men, but roles assigned to them are nevertheless different. In African setting, women traditionally take care of the homestead, whilst men find jobs exterior the home. Since adoption of civilization is slowly taking roots in Africa, mostly African women engaged in traditional roles as opposed to the income generating employments. English system is well distinct, and women are well remunerated like their male counterparts and also allocated various allowances including leaves like maternal scenarios. Normally in African setting women are entirely overworked and neglected to the roles like gathering firewood and correspondingly tending family fields. At some points, women are also employed in looking after Household chores that is inherently a huge burden, restraining a woman’s aptitude to take on salaried employment (Brown & Clinton, 2010).
From an analysis of Okonkwo and Calvin’s case, the benefits provided to employees in both cultures are typically the same since the both recognises allowances and incentives a factor to elevating the morale of their workers. Normally it is acknowledged as rewards for performance and employees respond glowingly to incentives for excellent performance and in recognition for undertaking especially good work. Most employers do not forget this act in case they desire great performance, and there are only two ways to plan appropriate rewards and entailed incentives and recognition. In the option of incentives, workers are advised in advance the kind of rewards they will have if they reach a convinced goal either independently or on a group basis. Incentives do create results, and work output especially well if a company is trying to promote specific oriented targets. In the instance of recognition, the expected reward is usually more likely to emerge after the fact. Ritualistically, this is an indication or sign that the company appreciates the effort availed by the partner. Every employer hence should make use of presented recognition (Mathews, 2002).
According to Calvin white, Mangers treat their employees well especially recognizing that established laws govern the relationship between manager and employees. But in Nigeria, and in accordance to Okonkwo, the treatment of the employees is still an issue. Most African or emerging countries have traces of corruption and worker harassment which create dissimilarity in the two cultures. It is only under strict indulgence of the workers, and trade unions when justice is delivered to workers. General management practices in both countries are all similar with companies having well outlined organizational charts exposing various roles of offices and person holding the offices in a naturally outlined manner. The companies in various cross-cultural have similar challenges hugely distinguished as external or internal scenarios (Beech & Chadwick, 2005).
According to Calvin white, the difficulties he had adapting to the culture of his country of residence included extensively high economical standards huge requirements of standards and entailed documents to enable commencement and operation of the business. But according Okonkwo, Nigerian system availed a challenging environment due to the wide regime of corruption cases. The realization of the act that a connection someone in power was highly relevant to enable a person secures a document from the government offices. As notable the economic effects of rampant corruption can be grouped as minor or major. In both cases, they have serious impact or influence on the on entire community and country. Originally, corruption leads to the eventual depletion of available national wealth. It is frequently responsible for augmented costs of goods sold and services, the gradual funneling of limited public availed resources to eventual uneconomic high worth projects at the notable expense of the needed projects for instance schools and roads. Consistently, large scale corruption harms the economy and eternally impoverishes entire inhabitants. As it has been experienced in Nigeria, corruption well discourages people to labor together for eventual common good. Dissatisfaction and general enhanced apathy among the notable public creates a weak civil society (Obeleagu-Nzelibe, 1990).
According to Calvin white, if somebody were advertising a marketing management position in England then he should use online means to reach many qualified persons. Moreover, he should stick and adhere to corresponding laws and regulations guiding people in England to ensure that he operates he succeeds in his quest. While according to Okonkwo, an individual should maintain extensive advertisement through online means and undertake sufficient interview to ascertain the qualifications of the person to whom the management position is to be allocated.