Critique of Instructional Models for PE
June 25, 2020
Name and explain with examples four4 contributory factors that prevent effective communication.
June 25, 2020

Adv Criminological Theory

Adv Criminological Theory

Language: English (U.S.)
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In a document of at least 500 – 700 words, answer any two questions below incorporating theorists, theories, and available data from appropriate research. Use APA citation style for all references, citing at least 5 sources in your answers. All writing must be in your own words. Due: Friday, April 15 2016 by 5:00pm

Answer any two:

1.Explain the etiology of and apply a theoretical perspective to the problem of illicit drug sales.
2.Explain the etiology of and apply a theoretical perspective to the problem of white-collar crime.
3.Explain the etiology of and apply a theoretical perspective to the problem of auto theft.
4.Explain the etiology of and apply a theoretical perspective to the problem of violent crime.