Active and Healthy Aging Academic Essay

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Active and Healthy Aging Academic Essay

•From the first e-Activity, provide four to six recommendations for a person contemplating retirement, knowing that identity and self-worth are tied to one’s work roles. Support your recommendations.

•Create an intervention for older adults in a retirement residence on “successful aging.” Generate five to seven strategies that you would employ in this intervention.

“Alzheimer’s Disease” Please respond to the following:

•From the second e-Activity, describe the stages that are identified in the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Explain how you would detect the stage of the disease and explain how best to deal with it for a person who has this disease.

•Choose one stage in the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Explain how you would design a program to help maximize the person’s remaining abilities, memory, and quality of life.

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions