Accounting Information Systems.
You will produce a research paper between 810 pages on a topic pertaining to Accounting Information Systems. The paper should be outlined like this: See belowIndividual Research Paper Suggested Headings/Organization. This is NOT a mandated organization. This is simply a suggested organization method. Learners are free to incorporate all, part, or none of the suggested organization. However, the formatting must be in accordance with current APA style guidelines.I. Title Pagea. Complete Running head (See your current APA manual for an example. Review your current APA manual for additional Title Page format guidance.b. Proper Title Page informationII. Headings (See your current APA manual for guidance).III. Abstract (See your current APA manual for guidance).IV. Introduction (Include an introductory section See your current APA manual for guidance)(NOTE: A proper APA Introduction does NOT have a heading called Introduction. The introductory paragraphs are ASSUMED to be the introduction; therefore, a heading titled Introduction is redundant.)V. Suggested Headings for the Body of the Papera. The Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002i. Summaryii. Internal Controlsiii. Section 4041. The impact on small businesses2. How a Section 404 integrates with the audit functionb. The PCAOBi. Originii. Purposeiii. Specific Pronouncements1. Related to AIS2. Related to Internal Controls3. Brief Summary of pronouncements in the following sections(NOTE: Access Auditingb. Ethics and Independencec. Quality Controld. Attestationiv. Future Pronouncements1. Discussion of possible enhanced restrictions2. Discussion of possible diminished regulationc. Accounting Information Systemsi. Before Sarbanes Oxley and the PCAOBii. Current AIS, in the post-PCAOB environmentd. Conclusione. ReferencesNOTE: A biblical perspective must be interwoven as appropriate into the analysis.TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT DISPLAYED ON THE WEBSITE AND GET A DISCOUNT FOR YOUR PAPER NOW!