Resources: EthicsGame Simulations: The Mysterious Blogger and The Veiled ID; University of Phoenix Material: Ethics Game Simulation Worksheet
July 12, 2020
Do the dangers of legalizing marijuana outweigh the benefits
July 12, 2020


Due Week 10 and worth 320 points
As the representative from your accounting firm or practice, you are in charge of stock market analysis
that will be presented to clients as part of professional consultation process. One of your high-profile
clients is trying to determine the possible investment potential between two companies. However, before
you can recommend investments to clients, you need to familiarize yourself with the background of the
companies, analyze stock trends, research current events, and analyze financial statements. Select one
(1) pair of these companies and conduct your analysis.

Pepsi versus Coca Cola, or
Amazon versus eBay
Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:
1. Analyze history, product / services, major customers, major suppliers, and
leadership and provide a synopsis of each company.
2. Based on the stock price for the timeline listed below, present a graph that illustrates the stock
price of each company. Indicate conclusions that can be drawn based on the trend:
a. The day of its initial public offering
b. January 1, 2013
c. January 1, 2012
d. January 1, 2011
3. Research and summarize at least two (2) news events (this may include mergers, acquisitions, or
political issues) that occurred from 2012 to the present day and the potential impact on the stock
price of each company. Indicate how this influences your investment decision related to the

4. Provide an overall financial analysis for each company that highlights the key characteristics for
investment and how this may impact an investor s decision.
5. Based on your review of the financial data for each company, indicate the accuracy and reliability
of the data for making investment decision. Provide support for your conclusion.
6. Recommend which company you consider as the better investment for your client and how you
will present your recommendation. Support your recommendation with data from your analysis.
7. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other
Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all
sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Analyze the accounting for corporation requirements related to stock valuation, dividends, and
retained earnings.
Determine how to value investments and how to report them based on that valuation.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in financial accounting.
Write clearly and concisely about financial accounting using proper writing mechanics