Categorize the major steps Ford took to rebuild itself into four hypotheses on the firm-level strategy- resources, knoweldge/ cabilities, integration/
June 27, 2020
Why is the current practice of securing the enterprise by hiding it behind hardened firewalls becoming extinct?
June 27, 2020


Your argument should be a sincere attempt to persuade those who disagree or who are undecided to take your position. Be sure that your argument has a strong thesis and is well organized.
Make effective use of the rhetorical appeals we have been studying this semester:
Logos: Make sure your arguments are logically sound. Point out the logical fallacies, if any, used by the opposition.

Ethos: Carefully manage your Ethos by your tone and by demonstrating the knowledge you have acquired via laborious research. Back your assertions with research and documentation. Use the credibility of experts by integrating their work into your argument.
Pathos: Appeal to the values held by your audience.
Although, I want you to have these rhetorical elements, this is the not usually the best way to organize the paper. Also, engage the opposition and participate in the larger conversation surrounding the issue by using techniques like counter arguments and concessions. Your argument should be in MLA format (not counting your works cited page of course).