A reflection of “speaking up without freaking out” second edition chapter 1

October 19, 2020
Scholarship essay
October 19, 2020

A reflection of “speaking up without freaking out” second edition chapter 1

A reflection of “speaking up without freaking out” second edition chapter 1

For the short while we I have interacted with the mind of the author of “Speaking without Freaking”, even though I have interacted thoroughly with chapter one, I appreciate the calming moments of my time that I have spent going through the pages of chapter one. I have completely allowed my mind to dance with the mind of the author, as Morrison (2007) argues, and I can admit that now I am different. I have realized the worth of such an intellectual interaction, although pointing out some idea the author may not have included is also acceptable.

Speaking with calmness and patience has not been my hobby: Not until I read the first chapter of this book. I have been able to notice that I had the potential to stand before a crowd and deliver a productive presentation even for time as much as an hour, and without boring the audience. Before interacting with the book, I didn’t know that I had the solution to my speech-delivering anxieties. The presentations of the way of handling such in this chapter make anyone reading the book to believe and subscribe to the practice. I must admit here that I am a convert to this gospel, and I can deliver a presentation anytime even without a long-duration prior notices. I bet the author should have told us whether there is a psychological disease specific to speech delivery, because some people have not been transformed by the book.

For me, I would say it hard to remember the last time I freaked in the podium. It is difficult too, for anyone to tell. But from history, I know that what has changed me is the interaction I have done with this chapter. I have a foundation for public speaking courtesy of the chapter.


Abrahams, M. (2011). Speaking up without freaking out. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Morrison, T. (2007). The dancing mind. New York, NY: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.