A normal differential and platelet count

Determine how many chromosomes will be visible in a karotype
April 6, 2020
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April 6, 2020

A normal differential and platelet count


WBC = normal with a normal differential and platelet count

Hct = 29%; MCV = normal, MCHC = slightly decreased; RDW = markedly increased; reticulocyte count < 2%

Smear with mixed microcytic/hypochromic and macrocytic/normochromic red blood cells; WBC and platelets appear normal

PT/PTT, liver function tests, electrolytes, and amylase normal

Upper endoscopy with 2 cm. duodenal ulcer with evidence of recent but no acute hemorrhage


Serum iron, total iron binding capacity, saturation, and ferritin all reduced

Bone marrow biopsy with megaloblastic changes and low iron stores

Ø  Serum folate and red blood cell folate low; B12 normal

Discussion questions part three:

Based on these findings, what are the diagnoses for this patient?

How should this patient be managed?

This needs to be in APA Format with 3-5 scholarly articles to back up each part (1, 2, 3). Also information in answer needs to be referenced with APA in text citations.