A Fortune 500 Company has recently hired you as a Human Resource Manager

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A Fortune 500 Company has recently hired you as a Human Resource Manager

Number of Pages: 1 (Double Spaced)

Writing Style: APA

Number of sources: 3

Scenario Summary:

A Fortune 500 Company has recently hired you as a Human Resource Manager. You are in charge of hiring new sales consultants for the fiber optics division of this organization. Due to the competitive marketplace, sales and revenues are at an all-time low. During your interview, you stated that you could serve as a valuable asset to this company. You noted your long-standing history of selecting the best candidates for sales positions and stated that you could bring the sales division back to its place as the leading resource of your organization. You want to perform well at this job because you have been unemployed for 12 months and need to pay off your consolidated debt in order to avoid bankruptcy.

Your Role: Your job is to hire a sales manager to sell your latest fiber optics to leading wireless manufacturers of five key companies. This job requires that the sales representative be articulate, sophisticated, and knowledgeable about fiber optics. The job requires travel Monday through Friday in order for the sales representative to work with those in the prospective company. This job also includes spending leisure time after 5:00 P.M. with prospective clients.

Your Assignment: Required: Read the case summary and accompanying character descriptions, then answer the following question: Who would you hire for position and why? I have selected Jyoti, Manager of Wireless Retail Store.

Please state and explain your decision. Be sure to include and use some of the following words in your paper: Acculturation, assimilation, discrimination, miscegenation, prejudice, disparate impact, disparate treatment, glass ceiling, gendered organizational culture and human capital.

Scenario Summary:

A Fortune 500 Company has recently hired you as a Human Resource Manager. You are in charge of hiring new sales consultants for the fiber optics division of this organization. Due to the competitive marketplace, sales and revenues are at an all-time low. During your interview, you stated that you could serve as a valuable asset to this company. You noted your long-standing history of selecting the best candidates for sales positions and stated that you could bring the sales division back to its place as the leading resource of your organization. You want to perform well at this job because you have been unemployed for 12 months and need to pay off your consolidated debt in order to avoid bankruptcy.

Your Role
: Your job is to hire a sales manager to sell your latest fiber optics to leading wireless manufacturers of five key companies. This job requires that the sales representative be articulate, sophisticated, and knowledgeable about fiber optics. The job requires travel Monday through Friday in order for the sales representative to work with those in the prospective company. This job also includes spending leisure time after 5:00 P.M. with prospective clients.

Your Assignment
Read the case summary and accompanying character descriptions, then answer the following question: Who would you hire for position and why? I have selected Jyoti, Manager of Wireless Retail Store.

Please state and explain your decision. Be sure to include and use some of the following words in your paper: Acculturation, assimilation, discrimination, miscegenation, prejudice, disparate impact, disparate treatment, glass ceiling, gendered organizational culture and human capital.

Jake ake, CPA Changing to Sales –
As my resume states, I was an accountant but have made a career switch to sales. I think working with people in sales would be more interesting than sitting at a desk all day crunching numbers. I am single and want to devote time to my career in order to be successful.
No, because this role is so high profile, I would not go with Jake.  I would keep him in mind for Sales Consultant role but not a Sales Manager role.

Lynn, IT Manager –
As my resume states, I was a math major and I minored in computer analysis. I am very good with people and I am working on improving my English-speaking skills. I graduated first in my class and I wrote a paper on fiber optics in relation to cell towers that was recently published in a peer-reviewed journal. I am a leading expert in the fiber optics field.
I like she has so much knowledge of the fiber optics field but I didn’t see any sales experience.  For a sales manager position, I need someone who has a record or results in sales. If you can sell, you can sell an ice to an Eskimo. 

Karen, Sales Representative –
As my resume states, I have been in sales for five years. I have been awarded the Sales Representative of the Year at my last company. Currently I am relocating to Atlanta because I will be getting married next month. My credentials are stellar and I graduated at the top of my class in fiber optic engineering.
She seems ideal but I would be concerned about the demand of this job and the newness of her marriage.  How much could she be relied upon for those after 5pm meetings with clients? She does have the sales experience and is familiar with fiber optic engineering.

Jyoti, Manager
of Wireless Retail Store –
I began assisting in sales at my last job and did extremely well. I managed a wireless phone company’s regional sales office. I trained salespeople and due to my expertise in sales, their revenues rose 60% last year. I am looking to expand into corporate sales because I know that I am an expert at sales and have a solid foundation in what customers want from their cellular service. I am single, therefore I am available to travel and work long hours.
As long as I could verify the increased revenue mention here, I would seriously consider this person.  They have managed a regional sales office, trained sales people with positive results that resulted in increased revenue.  I am confident we can educate Jyoti with the fiber optic knowledge he or she may be lacking.  In addition Jyoti displays a willingness to travel and entertain clients after 5pm.



Description: ack to Top

Our country often is described as a nation of immigrants. The founding immigrants, however, had three basic characteristics in common 

they were primarily from Northern and Western Europe, they came from nations with approximately the same level of social development, and they were Caucasian. These were the groups that established the foundations of what became American culture. The founding fathers of the United States established as law and ideology that all men are created equal and each one should have the right to strive for success or failure without inherited advantage. Success in America was not guaranteed, but the right to try was encouraged. Even into the early 20th century, American ideology was that any immigrant or group who worked hard, persevered, and measured up to our ideals would eventually assimilate into the great American melting pot. This was a grand idea, but it was based on the assumption that the immigrants were, in spite of nationality, European and Caucasian. Persons of color were assumed to be savages, some “noble savages” perhaps, but savages nonetheless, and lesser persons as a result. It is from this ideology that a great deal of our inability to accept distinctive differences in others arises, and it is here that we need to try to develop some understandings of how this impacted the identity of many minority groups as both a part of this nation and as separate people.


Description: ack to Top

As we discussed in a previous lecture, disadvantaged groups know more about those helping to keep them disadvantaged than the other way around. It is primarily a survival technique. Because each group’s experiences are unique, they will develop a view of themselves in relation to that of the more powerful. The greater the degree of disadvantage, the clearer the minority group’s perception is of its so-called place in the relationship. This may not always be the case for the dominant group. In slave-owning societies, many slave owners developed affection for their slaves and believed that they were caring for them as though they were children rather than property. If a slave expressed any reluctance or resentment, the slave owners were as likely to feel as hurt as they were angered. The slave, however, never had any doubt that he or she was a slave and that status dominated every aspect of his or her life and relationships with the slave masters. The master could afford to occasionally be magnanimous with his slaves, but the slave could never step even an inch outside of the slave identity without peril.

Physical Attributes and Identity