4 great motives‘: sheer egoism, aesthetic enthusiasm, historical

system dynamics modelling and simulation
May 22, 2020
behavioural finance
May 22, 2020

4 great motives‘: sheer egoism, aesthetic enthusiasm, historical

Pa r li1- II on writers
Orwell claims writers write from 4 great motives: sheer egoism, aesthetic enthusiasm, historical
impulse and political purpose (pp 4 8.5)
b As a small group (no more than 4), examine his claim: All writers are vain, selfish, and lazy and at the
very bottom of their motives is a mystery (p 10). A N V
Does your group agree with Orwell ? How does your group understand his comment? How do you
understand it?

What do the individuals in your group value about writing?
How does writing affect thinking? is individuality necessary for critical thinking? is really
important when writing?
How can a critical thinker avoid outside influences (well-meaning or not)

b How does reading affect thinking? Are values changed because of education or academic writing? is
M writing developed by values? Are values good or bad? is there a consensus in your group about
writing and critical thinking or is there disagreement?
inquire, investigate, and evaluate
In a 1 }‚¬- 3 page paper evaluate views of 2 or 3 students (you may include yourself,
but don’t have to) on some aspects of writing, critical thinking, and/or what part
values play in writing and thinking.

Your paper needs an introduction and a conclusion. It needs logical ¢;rgani:tat:ioIi. You: 3!:

names or last names when referring to vol #009 *mb’:;e°°°’° ::m vmh°’tM’ you

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would like for yourself as a scholar-even ifY° 4’53? ‘m’ M M 5 pd