In a narrative format, answer the questions listed below for one of the scenarios that I pose.
September 4, 2020
Compare and contrast the various HRM styles and philosophies to explain how HRM can contribute to the successful strategic management of a firm. Use e
September 4, 2020

2nd Opportunity

Candidates should answer BOTH questions, which carry equal marks.

LA 5005

1. Explain ONE of the following and critically comment upon its significance to English and Welsh land law:
Pye (Oxford) Ltd v Graham [2002] UKHL 30
Burgess v Rawnsley [1975] Ch 429
Spielplatz Ltd v Pearson and Another [2015] 2 All ER 754 (CA)


2. Explain ONE of the following and critically comment upon the significance of the provision[s] to English and Welsh land law:
Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996, Sections 14 and 15
Law of Property Act 1925, Sections 2 and 27
Land Registration Act 2002, Schedule 3