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1984 by George Orwell

1984 by George Orwell

The splitting of the world into three super states, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia was an event that was foreseen before the middle of the twentieth century. Oceania covered the whole of the continent of America and which in the novel, was referred as British Isle, the main location of the story. Oceania was referred as Airstrip One. The British Empire and the United States were joined to form Oceania, while Europe and Russia formed Eurasia. Eastasia was formed as a distinct unit after another decade of confused fighting ensued. Eastasia comprised Japan, Korea, China and northern India. The frontier between the three states fluctuated according to the fortunes of war, but the boundaries between them followed a common geographical line. The cause of the annihilating struggle that led to the formation of the three states was due to the limited aims between military combatants who were unable to destroy each other in favor of totalitarianism society. The formation of the three states emerged due to fear of the post-atomic dictatorship (Orwell 40).

However, these three states have been are permanently at war. The continuing war had been caused by the three states breaking away from the benefits of a totalitarianism society and the shift for democratic ultimatum. The disintegration led to the Cold War, a part of the alarm that sounded against the abuse of the authoritarian governments. Even more penetrating was the use of the psychology of power between the three states and how the manipulation of language and history had been used as a method of political control. That is to say, the conduct of war, and the existing attitudes towards it, led to war hysteria since it was difficult for one state to be decisive of the warfare in relation to the other states. The natural defenses between the three states were also formidable. For instance, Oceania was protected by the width of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, Eurasia by its vast land spaces and Eastasia by fecundity of its inhabitants (Orwell 50).

Initially, with establishment of self-contained economies, there was no longer, in a material sense, reason for them to fight about. All the super states had almost all materials of production within their boundaries. The war resulted from the direct economic purpose, particularly the war for labor power. The three super states had no possession of the labor power. The source of labor power lied along the rough quadrilateral corners of Tangier, Brazzaville, Darwin, and Hong Kong, where there were half population of Earth’s population lived. It is for possession of these highly populated regions that led to the constant struggle for power between the three states. As a result, the portion of the disputes area had constantly been changing hands, and the chance of seizing any area lead to treachery that dictated endless changes of the alignments (Orwell 57).

The constant war served particular purpose to the three states. All the disputed areas had valuable minerals, others were rich in agricultural faming such as rubber. Above all, the disputed areas contained bottomless reserve for cheap labor. The inhabitants of these areas were treated more or less of the status of slaves since they were expendable in the race to get more ornament, or to seize more territories (Orwell 61).




Works Cited

Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-four. New York, NY: Camden Arts Centre, 1984. Print.