12 Angry Men, 1957 Movie, with Henry Fonda

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12 Angry Men, 1957 Movie, with Henry Fonda

Mid-Term Case Study Paper: 12 Angry Men, 1957 Movie, with Henry FondaOrder DescriptionScoring Criteria: Mid-term Case Study Paper:
The purpose of choosing this case study is based on the fact that in many life situations one is
always a student of the situation requiring analysis of the other players personal agenda,
negotiations tactics, priorities, hidden motives, values, ethics, degree of risk taking and
prejudices. As a student of such, our degree of success is highly dependent on our ability to
observe, process and understand these dynamics in order to adjust our negotiations approach
to get what we want in that situation.Therefore, as practice relating to the above, it is required that you submit a paper on the
subject of the following:12 Angry Men, 1957 Movie, with Henry Fonda, dealing with a 12 person jury charged with
deciding the guilt or innocence of a young man charged with murdering his father.
It is required that you rent, purchase, borrow or obtain this movie and watch it whatever
number of times (Note: The movie is posted within the course, itself.) required for you to
construct a paper that responds to the following requirements. In additon, the movie is
incorporated into the course content:Page 1 Cover Title PagePage 2 Brief list of the major case issues that are instrumental in deciding the jury
conclusion.Pages 3-8: Jury Member No. 8, Character played by Henry Fonda. Address the following three
(3) questions in a minimum of six (6) pages:
a) How would you describe his negotiations approach?
b) There are at least forty (40) Negotiations techniques defined and discussed in the course
text. Please identify at least ten (10) that Juror No. 8 used during this movie. Also, clearly
describe the circumstance where in the movie he used such technique(s). Then describe the
result from its use.
c) Identify at least two (2) compromises that he had made? Explain what they were and the
effective result of each.Pages 9-13: From your list of ten (10) Negotiations techniques that Juror No. 8 used, compose
a minimum of five(5) pages to complete a) and b) below:
a) Select five (5) and write a detailed explanation of how your use of these techniques could
be applied in your personal and business life.
b) For ech of the five (5) chosen techniques, write and explain the result you would hope to
achieve by use of that technique.
Pages 14-16: Jury Member No. 4, Character played by E.G. Marshall. Address the following
questions. This will require a minimum of three (3) pages:
a) How would you describe this individuals negotiations strategy and approach? Use the
terminology defined from the text and how he implements that approach and strategy.
b) What was the basis of his guilty analysis? Explain his justification for each point.
c) What negotiations techniques were employed by Juror No. 8 to change Juror No. 4s mind
and vote differently? Explain the circumstances and detail involved.
Page 17-18: Juror No. 3, Character Played by Lee J. Cobb. Address the following questions:
a) What is the strategy of Juror No. 3?b) What is Juror No. 3s style and approach with the other Juror members? Please explain and give examples as part of your response. Be specific.
c) Towards the end of the movie, when there were only three (3) jurors remaining that were
voting guilty, what role did juror No. 3 play in changing the vote position of the last three jurors.
Explain the incident, circumstances and the influence that juror no. 3 had on these three (3) jurors to change their mind.Page 19: BibliographyThe mid-term Case Study paper shall be in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced,
1 margins, and a minimum of 18 pages in length of your own research and analysis,
including the table of contents and bibliography. Use APA format for in-text citations and
references. Be certain that your name appears on each page. Grammatical errors and
spelling errors will result in scoring penalties. Do not provide lengthy quotations from a
reference. The use of proper grammatical construction, including the proper use of paragraphs
and topical headings related to the deliverables, is required.
Writing the paper should encourage you to engage in thoughtful analysis and understanding of
the case study. It should incorporate the use of what you have learned in theory and research
from the readings and weekly course material. Your analysis should include an integration of
readings, theory, and concepts as appropriate.