(1). In my experience, the single most frustrating part of working in Corporate America is the frequent lack of a coherent long-term strategy.

Assignment 5: Masks
July 20, 2020
Is the Myth about the cyclical patter of prices and GDP still true?
July 20, 2020

(1). In my experience, the single most frustrating part of working in Corporate America is the frequent lack of a coherent long-term strategy.

(1). In my experience, the single most frustrating part of working in Corporate America is the frequent lack of a coherent long-term strategy.
My existing organization lives and dies based on quarterly earnings reports. The senior management becomes totally fixated on delivering the numbers” three to four weeks before the end of each financial quarter.

If sales or earnings are trending off of forecast, incredible gyrations occur to manipulate the final results enough to avoid an embarrassing Wall Street report. As the old saying goes, the baby is typically thrown out with the bath water” during this period and anything requiring your time and resources comes to a screeching halt.


(1) Using the above example or one of your own, come up with a strategy to deal with this potentially destructive impact to your ability to manage timetables and resources

(2). Which of the following considerations are most often neglected when implementing a strategy: organizational structure, leadership, or cultural factors? Defend your position.