• Detail Section (for each item): Repair number, model number, serial number,

September 29, 2020
minimum wage Request Order
September 29, 2020

• Detail Section (for each item): Repair number, model number, serial number,

• Detail Section (for each item): Repair number, model number, serial number,

problem description, estimated parts, estimated labor, estimated cost • Footer Section: Estimated total cost

Print Service Detail Report
As noted above, a repair service detail report is generated and provided to the customer. It includes the nature of the problem as well as the parts required and their

associated cost, as well as the total labor charge, and total charge. The Repair Service Detail Report contains the following information:
• Header Section: Current date/time, technician number, customer name,

customer address, customer city/state/zip, customer phone, customer e-mail • Detail Section (for each item): Model number, description, serial number, problem

description, repair service applied, parts needed/cost, hours labor/cost Footer Section: parts and labor subtotal, sales tax (see business rules), grand total, payment

method, masked credit card number.

Generate Service Summary Report
The service summary report can be generated on a daily basis or periodically, depending on business rules. It includes a listing of all service jobs performed for a

specified period, including:
• Header Section: Begin date, end date • Detail Section: Service performed, quantity performed, hours labor, labor cost,

parts cost, total cost • Footer Section: Total performed, total hours, total labor, total cost, grand total

Generate Technician Service Report
The technician service report can be generated for one or all technicians as needed, depending on business rules. It includes a listing of all service jobs performed,

• Header Section: Begin date, end date • Detail Section: Service performed, quantity performed, hours labor, labor cost,

parts cost, total cost • Footer Section: Total performed, total hours, total labor, total cost, grand total

Additional Business Rules
Some additional business rules necessitated by the new features include the following:

Communications of the Association for Information Systems